I used this picture card in a coaching session with a 14 year old boy today.
He chose this card explaining that flies get stuck in webs and he felt that his mind, at the moment, is like a web trapping his thoughts!
We went on to talk about if we allow our breath or blood to get stuck in one place. The conversation progressed to what happens when water can't flow, that stink of stagnation.
He came up with a powerful metaphor for his problem. Whenever he becomes aware of thoughts stuck in the web of his mind he is going to send a spider out to eat it!
It was an amazing experience to watch him grow in that session - powerful stuff.
So are you letting your thoughts flow or are you allowing them to get trapped in your web to stagnate?
If you are interested in a free 15 minute initial chat please get in touch. It can be delivered in person, via Skype or telephone. nicky@hippocoaching.co.uk www.hippocoaching.co.uk